Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Share My Articles on OkButWhy?
Yes, you can join our team by sharing your articles in the fields of science, arts, and philosophy at OkButWhy. For detailed information about the rules and conditions to be followed to become a writer, please look at the “Join Our Team!” part. Also, you can “Contact Us!” if you want to be a volunteer for software and design teams.
Where Do You Get the Images You Use?
Honesty and transparency are important principles for our site. That’s why we would like to share directly with you the resources we use to improve our site. We can obtain the images we use for our content from several different places. Unfortunately, we don’t have the budget to use stock photos by purchasing copyrights. For this reason, free and royalty-free images on the platforms such as Pixabay or Pexels, uploaded by volunteers which are available to everyone, are our primary resources.
In addition, we prepare many of the designs on our site and social media accounts by using Canva, PicsArt, or Adobe Photoshop applications. Apart from these, the sources of all the images we use are shared with the link just below the image.
Are Authors Paid in OkButWhy?
No. OkButWhy is a community that does not have any income, aims to increase social awareness by sharing articles in the fields of science, art, and philosophy, and consists entirely of volunteers. For this reason, we are unfortunately unable to provide financial support to authors or contributors. In other words, all published articles are published on a voluntary basis, without any financial concerns.
May I Use the Contents in OkButWhy?
If you do not have a commercial purpose, you can share or copy the contents of the “Science, Art, and Philosophy” categories on the website, produced by OkButWhy authors, provided that they remain within the citation rules in the Copyright section, without permission and without any notice to us. You can reproduce and distribute. However, you cannot change its content without permission.
The articles in the “On Living” section of the website are personal contents that include the subjective opinions of the authors. For this reason, it is strictly forbidden to share, copy or reproduce the articles in this category without the permission of the authors.
You Indicated That OkButWhy Was Founded in 2023, But I Can See Some Articles Published Before 2023. How Is It Possible?
Although OkButWhy was founded in 2023, you may also find some articles which are published in 2021 or 2022. Since OkButWhy is the English version of “” which is an awarded website in Turkey. Therefore, nearly 80 articles were already published before OkButWhy was founded.
I think there is an error in an article on the website. What should I do?
The references of the articles on our site are always meticulously checked by our editors. Our writers and editors spend hours and even days on each article that reaches you. However, although it is a very obvious mistake, it can be overlooked despite being read many times. In addition, sometimes there may be misunderstandings or erroneous transfers caused during translation.
We apologize if you encountered such an error. In such cases, please contact us! We would appreciate it if you could select the “Complaint” option as the “Topic” section and share the relevant article and the error you see with us. Feedback from you is very important for us to make our site better. Please feel free to write us any errors you see.
What is the “On Living” category?
We can divide the OkButWhy website into two main categories:
The first category is the section that contains content on “Science, Art, and Philosophy. Here, the authors use more objective language about the subject. Of course, there are also articles with subjective comments to increase intelligibility, but a significant part of the content is written in objective language. For this reason, the source is cited.
The second category is “On Living“. Here, writers can convey their own personal opinions on any topic of life. That is, this part consists of articles with subjective views on life. It is not obligatory to cite the source in this section, since the accuracy or falsity of these subjective articles cannot be separated with certain lines. There is absolutely no claim to prove anything in this part. You are not expected to give credit to or judge the author. At the same time, the articles in this section do not reflect the ideas of the OkButWhy site, as they consist of personal opinions. Site administrators do not allow the transfer of ideas that touch sensitive issues such as race, religion, language, gender and class discrimination.
Sometimes I see Doğa Filozofu (“”) What does it mean?
Doğa Filozofu is a Turkish name. It can be translated into English as “Natural Philosopher”. It is the original website of OkButWhy. Firstly, this idea came to life in Turkish in the name of “Doğa Filozofu”. Then, to reach more people all around the world, we have started to write in English at OkButWhy.
Philosophers before Socrates are called Nature Philosophers. The reason why these philosophers are called “Nature” is because they were the first philosophers to think about Nature. Thanks to Nature Philosophers, people refused to accept them unconditionally through myths, and legends. For the first time, they began to question the substances that make up “Nature”. The main agenda of these philosophers, who seek to think about nature and the source of everything, is shaped on the subjects of existence, becoming and change. We believe that philosophy plays a key role in questioning everything and we can only discover nature by studying nature.
At the same time, Nature Philosophers are considered to be the first scientists in history. Of course, they did not use the scientific methods we now know. However, the fact that they searched for the first substance instead of believing the myths directly allows them to be accepted as scientists. The first natural philosopher in history is known as Thales.
Also, the concept of natural philosopher is not only used for early philosophers like Thales who lived about 2500 years ago. Isaac Newton, one of the most important names in human history, defines himself as a “natural philosopher”. In fact, the full name of Newton’s famous book “Principia”, which broke new ground in the history of science, is “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”.
Although OkButWhy was founded in 2023, you may also find some articles which are published in 2021 or 2022. Since OkButWhy is the English version of “” which is an awarded website in Turkey. Therefore, nearly 80 articles were already published before OkButWhy was founded.
I would like to support you. What should I do?
OkButWhy is an all-volunteer, non-profit platform. So, unfortunately, we do not have any source of income. You can support us on Patreon to continue high-quality content. Please check our “Support Us!” page.