The Sound That Wakes You Every Morning: By Gun!
In French “By Gun!”
The word alarm has come to English language from the French word alarme. This word is formed by combining the words “all arme” in Italian. The Italian word arme means “weapon”. The literal translation of the word “all arme” is “By Gun!” form. In fact, every alarm is a call to pre-war preparation. To make things a little more literal, in fact, every alarm we hear at the beginning of the day is a new warning of a war against life. A signal emphasizing that we must take charge of our work in this war against time: To the gun!
Sound Used by Cops for Warning: Monster Whistle
The word siren comes from the French word ” Sirène” meaning ” monster whistle”. According to Greek mythology, monsters called “siren” live on some islands. These charming mermaid-like creatures also attracted sailors with the sounds they made. The sailors, who could not stand the sound of sirens, crashed into the rocks and died while approaching the island. This sound, which is often used as a warning today, was a nightmare for sailors at the time.
References and Further Reading
Alarm Word Origin. Etymology. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2022, from
Word Origin for Gendarme. Etymology. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2022, from
The proofreading has been done by Asu Pelin Akköse and Mete Esencan.
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